Building your   team:

Three Key Memberships


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The first thing you will need to do is generate excitement in Science Olympiad (which should not be hard to do), once this is accomplished, sheer enthusiasm will gather your team for you. Mark Victor Hansen and Robert Allen once said, “...if you are looking to sell a product, go to where the addicts are...” So if you‟re interested in promoting a Science Olympiad team it would be wise to market your idea to students who are already interested in science.

For successful team building, allow students whoare interested to come with little hindrance. This may seem unwise, but recognize that dedication & passion often trumps talent and intelligence. If you fill your team with students who are excited about Science Olympiad (and not just “ok” with it) you will have great success and while you‟re at it, loads of fun.

Be sure your students are self motivated! You want students who are capable of producing even when you are not around - students who have the fire inside. Do not be discouraged if at first only five students fit this mold. These five will soon ignite twenty-five others just like themselves, and in no time youll be ready to register multiple teams! Remember, choose quality over quantity!


The growth of your parent membership is just as important as the growth of your student membership. Parent membership is not necessarily solidified once a student joins the team; you need to actively recruit parent members just as you would student members. One sure fire way to make your parents part of the team is to involve them! Parent involvement is essential if you desire your team to function as a unit, even in your absence. As a result of involving my parents in the coaching process I have been able to delegate some of the responsibility for the team to them, which allows me to focus primarily on winning events. No coach is an island, it is imperative that you involve your parents!

The best way you can involve your parents is to present them with opportunities to help.
Some possible opportunities include:
• Transportation Advisor
Coordinate with other parents on how the team will travel to and from each tournament.
• Location Advisor
Research tournament locations for restaurants and hardware stores in case of last minute supply needs.
• Donations Advisor
Coordinate with the MSO state organization,local businesses and community members to solicit funds and material support for the team.
• Events Advisor
Become knowledgeable in a particular event and help student members prepare. (As there are 23 events, the more Event Advisors you have the merrier!)

These positions provide opportunities for your parents to become active members of the team and
to take pride in its success. If you present the opportunities, they will come. 


Recruiting the voluntary assistance of your colleagues will depend greatly upon their relationship with you.  Hopefully, up to this point you have developed a favorable relationship with them and they will not mind assisting  you. Other than that, the excitement of your students and your coworkers passion for science should be enough  to gain you some helping hands.

The best way to utilize the support of your coworkers is to add their expertise in science to your most challenging events. For instance, if you are a student of biology at heart, you may benefit from your chemistry major colleague.

Support for your team can also come from yourschool administrator. Often administrators have access to discretionary funds which can be utilized for school related activities. In addition, administrators have connections within the school district and the community; one good word from your administrator may be all the support your team needs. 

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